First of all, if you know some key doc that explains all what I'm asking here, I'm ready to RTFM, just send me the link !

If not...

This post follows... my previous one (obviously ;) ) but I may have posted useless details so nobody seem to follow it.

So, let's keep it simple : my update.php is "frozen" at Starting updates" and I don't see how to sort find the reason why.

Can someone describe how the process of update.php works internally ?

I mean, quite frankly I'm wondering simple questions such as :
where are the database updates (assuming files containing CREATE / ALTER / DROP... sql commands) stored ?

How does update.php know there are updates to be done ?

In other words, could it be possible update.php thinks there are updates to be done although it is not the case, just because there are bad craps in some DB ?
If not, where does the process look for updates ? Where should I be able to find update files ?
Also, intended my update.php simple appears to be somehow "frozen" when I'm trying to apply the db updates it pretends are required, is there a log I should have a look at ?
I assume the process is supposed to return a report... But as it never goes that far, I'm just wondering what the hell he was doing all that time...
How could I know, intended it never goes further than "Starting updates" ?

BTW, I also noted that during the update :
sites/default/setting.php is r-- r-- r--
site/default/ is r-x r-x r-x

Is this part of the normal process ?

Again, if you have a link to a relevant page that explains all the stuff, it will be appreciated.


francort’s picture

Update.php is mainly a batch process that runs every implementation of hook_update_n().

If I were you, I will look at the Apache's error log and any other log that may give you information.

Since the problem may be that you have too many operations to perform, you may try with drush to improve (even a little) the performance. The drush command for your case would be updatedb. This would also bypass any browser related problems that you may be having.

good luck!

thomasmurphy’s picture

does anyone know where the documentation for Drupal 8 is for this?

thomasmurphy’s picture

That page only has instructions for how to perform an update, not what happens when update.php runs in Drupal 8. I'm after API documentation about update.php in D8.

u4umar’s picture

I tried to update the views module on Notes and Papers but website was broken and blank screen was there. then I reused the old code and it was working fine. Can some one help in this regard.

thomasmurphy’s picture

This should be a support request in the views issue queue. Try and get specific errors from the log to help other people identify what went wrong.

mmjvb’s picture

A blank screen is most of the time an error in PHP, enable error reporting to see what went wrong.
The update tries to apply changes for the new version to use, looks like something went wrong there. Enabling error reporting will show what it was trying to do while the error occurred. Reporting that error here should enable us to helping you further. When not, then it is time to create an issue mentioning that specific error as an support request in the views project. Obviously, you need to specify other details as well. Don't waste their time stating you need help, tell them enough to help you!