Great module and I have had some great success with it. I am granting update access to specific users using Rules, which works fine. What I'd like to be able to do is to use Views to show which users have update access to each node. I can't see how to do this and perhaps it's not possible, but would value some advice if I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance.



maranjo created an issue. See original summary.

fubarhouse’s picture

Right now the only way would be through database queries or views_php.
I second this notion.

nattyweb’s picture

@fubarhouse - do you know a workaround that uses views_php? If so, do please share - an interim solution would be excellent.

MatthijsG’s picture

Was looking for the same question: how can i view users/roles who have access to this node?
Does anyone have a lead to do this?

Made an issue but closed it because it's duplicate.

fubarhouse’s picture

I suppose right now the only fix would be a custom block which pulls in the current node ID and works it all out from that...
Won't be difficult to do but we shouldn't have to do it that way.

MatthijsG’s picture

I've a view with a table. so all nodes (accesible) are listed.

MatthijsG’s picture

After some months, i'm picking this up, but i can't find a good workaround.

I think ..
the data which role has access is stored in content_access
For users, it's in node_access. Like

10 7 content_access_rid
10 8 content_access_rid
10 85 acl

These GID is somewhere linked to an user, but where ..? It's not the UID. How can i get the username's in a query to show which names have access?

gisle’s picture

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