I would like to create a website where people can post a request of transportation with a form (5-6fields). After they submitted the form it should turn into a post which other people can open and read. I tried to realise it with the drupal forms module but i would need to turn the results of the form into a node be able to link it. What modules could use to realise this?




onejam’s picture

That is an easy request. Create a new content type and add the fields you require. So no contrib module required for this as it is part of core. Then set the permissions for authenticated users to access and edit the content type. This means user will have to login first to make a posting.

If you allow anonymous users to make posting, then i would built in some kind of moderation as a safety measure as you never know who is trying to make the posting (ie spammers). Use https://www.drupal.org/project/workbench_moderation

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