
I'm using Webform to create a three-step order form. Our first page we have radio inputs with three options. I would like to alter these three to have an HTML structure where I could insert content inside the label and use the label:checked in CSS to actually see which one gets selected and hide the input[type=radio] button. Basically:

   <h2>Option 1</h2>
   <p>This is a description of this option</p>
   <input type="radio" name="webform-option1">

Can I somehow, with a hook or otherwise, modify the HTML structure of one single field in the webform? I won't use Javascript as I cannot force it upon a client.


nevets’s picture

I suspect if you do that the webform module will not "see" which one was checked.

rcls’s picture

Actually you can. Wrapping radio or checkbox inputs in label element, the label works as a button for it all.

onejam’s picture

Maybe you are going about it the wrong way. Perhaps you need to use webform conditionals for the radio options?

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