
im not sure what title to give to this question, my situation is this:

I have content type called look ( photo of celebrity ). Look has this fields:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Tags

I have created view to override taxonomy term page, using this guide.

So when a user clicks on a tag it will get view that list all results in grid. Its just images that links to their nodes. There is hundreds of results for specified tag and view has infinite load ( lazy load ), my problem is when user scrolls for a while and he click, for example, node that is on 153 place in my grid, he clicks on it and checks it and when wants to come back he would click close, and that close link will take him to same place where he was.

And there is one more thing, when user is on individual look page, there are arrows for previous and next look ( 152 and 154 ).

Here is some user story:

  1. User comes to tag landing page
  2. User scrolls page
  3. User clicks on 153 item in listing and lands to individual look page
  4. User clicks prev ( 152 ) and next (154) or
  5. User wants to come back on listing page and click " close this look" link
  6. User comes back to same position where he was on listing page

So my question is what is the best way to capture this prev/next look the best way to get user back to same position on listing page...