I am using Views default view "Taxonomy Term" (taxonomy/term/%) to display a taxonomy term page that has content teasers for ubercart products. This almost accomplishes what I want, but not completely. Here is my setup:

Taxonomy Vocabulary: Products

Taxonomy Terms Hierarchy:

Product Type 1
-Type 1 Sub Category 1
-Type 1 Sub Category 2
-Type 1 Sub Category 3

Product Type 2
-Type 2 Sub Category 1
-Type 2 Sub Category 2
-Type 2 Sub Category 3


The products have a field called "Product Type" which is a Term reference. Each product has this value set to one of the sub category terms listed above, so it has a parent term and child term associated with it (depth of 1).

This is an example of how I would like the page for Product Type 1 to be displayed, lets assume that there are 3 products in each child term (which I call sub categories above):

Title: Product Type 1

Jump to Section:
-Type 1 Sub Category 1
-Type 1 Sub Category 2
-Type 1 Sub Category 3

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 1
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 2
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 3
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser
Product Content Teaser

Right now, the view just spits out all of the product content teasers, but not organized by sub categories with a title above the group. Any ideas on how to make this work? If Views isnt the right way to go about it or another another module is required, I'm open to any suggestions.

FYI...I just started learning Drupal a few weeks ago so don't assume I know much! Thanks for the help.


Numbatoo’s picture

I was able to get this working...kind of by accident. Here's the weird thing, the page shows as I wanted for everyone except when I login as the admin account. When I'm on the admin account and visit the parent product term page, the children term groups arent grouped together, it shows like this:

Title: Product Type 1

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 1
Product Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 1
Product Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 1
Product Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 2
Product Teaser

Title: Type 1 Sub Category 2
Product Teaser


Kind of weird, but it works like I mentioned in my original post for everyone that is going to actually be viewing the pages. If anyone has an explanation, do share! Here is my setup in case anyone else is looking to do this:

View Type: Page

Contextual Filters:
Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)
-Depth: 1
-Override title: %1
-Specify validation criteria:
--Validator: Taxonomy Term
--Filter value type: Term ID
--Action to take if filter value doesnt validate: show "page not found"

Content: Has taxonomy term ID depth modifier

Page Settings:
Path: /taxonomy/term/%

Format: Unformatted List
-Force Using Fields **This plus Grouping Field is what made it work for me**
-Grouping field Nr. 1
--Content: All taxonomy terms
---Use rendered output to group rows

Show: Content | Teaser

Content: All taxonomy terms
-Limit terms by vocabulary
**Here I select the vocabulary that I want to allow (Products & Rentals in my case)
-Rewrite Rules
--Rewrite the output of this field
---Text: [term_node_tid-name]<a name="[term_node_tid-name]"></a> *NOTE: This is how i plan on doing the jump to section, I haven't gotten around to fully implementing the links yet though.

Filter Criteria:
Content: Type
-Operator: Is one of
--Content types: Product, Rentals

Content: Published or admin

karenann’s picture

^^^ Beautiful! Thank you!