I have 2 vocabularies: "city" and "manufacturer" with fields: city-name, manufacturer-name and link
and node "store" with fields: cita, manufacturer (taxonomies) and some more irrelevant for this fields.
First page (example.com) have names of cities and links to second page with URL example.com/city/city-name
on that page are links to manufacturers in that city and page URL is example.com/city/city-name/manufacturer/manufacturer-name.
On that page I need a dynamic view of all stores which are in that city from URL and have products from manufacturer from URL



nevets’s picture

How do you produce the page at example.com/city/city-name?

markoninic’s picture

with link field in taxonomy term

markoninic’s picture

link field

markoninic’s picture

I don't really need that "city" word in URL but I need something that is not % dynamic for the beginning of URL when I create a page with panels. If You have different solution You are welcome to help.