I have the site on shared hosting and everything was fine. Today after core update to 7.39 all users can get access to the site but user with uid 1 cannot.
At first I reset the password for admin several times in different ways (drush commands, sql insertion, Drupal GUI) but it didn't solve the problem.
Then I've created a new user with administration role and tried to change name and password for user 1 from drupal GUI didn't help too.
Even after recreating user 1 account directly in database user 1 cannot log into the site.
Finally I've changed in users table uid for admin account from '1' to '2' and now everything is ok.

Any ideas what is wrong with the user 1?


slewazimuth’s picture

When creating a user directly such as user with ID of 1 make sure you also set that user's status to 1 which tells drupal the user is active. Otherwise the status, which if it happens to become 0 tells drupal the user is Blocked from access.

bukalov’s picture

Thank you, but of course the user 1 has active status. Actually now in users table I've got user admin with uid, name, pass, mail, status etc. The value of uid of that user is 2 and everything work good. But if i change uid to 1 the admin user can't get access to the site. If I toggle uid value again to 2 or to any other unique number — all good again