this is my website this website bass on computer/internet/mobile
technical movement


softdote’s picture

Your page still has errors. CAPTCHA/add this page?

Moscoe’s picture

You need an expert in website designing to help redesigning the site. As for low content, you can out-source the write-ups if you can't write

softdote’s picture

You have visited our website and can read it?

babipanghang’s picture

Site seems quite unfinished/unpolished to me in chrome browser...

  • Lots of grey, not so much content on first view
  • Upper half of my screen filled with "My favourites" and "Text resize", text all mixed up and overlapping and characters not rendering properly. Then there's that image of a laptop left below that which seems misplaced, especially since the background has not been made transparent.
  • Everything in one big tower-of-things-so-i-need-to-scroll-down? Why not put your menu bar and tags next to your content for example?
  • Check your spelling!

Did i answer your question on the forums? I love to hear a reply wether or not it worked for you!
Jaap - Acquia certified drupal site builder

Sofiane8998’s picture

To be honest, he is really broken in my screen : http://puu.sh/kF0Bj/a5957f5a9a.png (screenshot)

It look like you have 0 design...

Maybe you still have some work to do :p

acronym24’s picture

Via Chrome, there is design error on your site.

fritzin’s picture

It works in chrome now but no information what is your website is all about. Likewise, no information about the author.