The Solr query for the More Like This block is does not include mlt.qf boost params (see


Aug 14, 2015 2:51:04 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select params={mlt.maxwl=15&qt=mlt&,entity_type,label,path,url&start=0&fq=bundle:(article)&fq=(hash:5fsevh+OR+access__all:0)&mlt.minwl=3&rows=5&mlt.mintf=1&mlt.maxqt=20&q=id:xxxxx/node/2&mlt.fl=content,label,tm_vid_1_names,tm_vid_2_names&wt=json&mlt.mindf=1} status=0 QTime=14

It would be pretty easy to add the currently configured boosts to the MLT query, and this could improve results.

Perhaps the MLT boosts could be configured separately from regular boosts, but that would require more work and add more lines of code.


colinmccabe created an issue.