I had the problem in drupal 7 (migrating drupal 6 project).

I had the content type with image option. while uploading the multiple images some time its show the "ajax http request terminated abnormally drupal" and sometime its upload and idle in the file type.

This is cause only when i added the image field setting option "Number of values" more than "1". There is no problem when i added the image field setting option "Number of values" equal to "1"

But my task to upload the multiple image into the single node.

I tried the all possible method which is suggest in internet. But no luck for me.

Please help any possible solution


nevets’s picture

There are limits to maximum post size (post_max_size), maximum input time (max_input_time), maximum file upload size (upload_max_filesize) and maximum file uploads (max_file_uploads). My first thought would be to check the current values and see if any might be the source of the problem. You can visit the status page and on the line for PHP click the 'more information' link.

vignesh226’s picture

Thank for your comment

I checked all are in correct format.

when i set the field setting number of values "2" means, while uploading the first image simply reload.
While i changed field setting umber of values "1" means, while uploading the first image and got the image title, alt title and caption textbox option.

Problem is in the image field settings (Number of values)

nevets’s picture

In your description, it is not clear where the ajax is coming into play. Is it when you submit the form, when you click the 'upload' button or something else?

vignesh226’s picture

Thanks for your quick reply

Actually the problem was i cannot upload the multiple image.

In a new content type image field option, if i set the "Number of values" => 2 under the picture field settings. i can't upload the single image.

if i set the "Number of values" => 1 under the picture field settings. i can uploaded the image. But the requirement was upload the multiple images in single node.

nevets’s picture

The question is, what action leads to the ajax error?

vignesh226’s picture

while click the upload button.

The Ajax error had only when the same image upload twice the error get it from File_managed table. I clear on that.

But now only i realize the problem was "Number of values" greater than 1 under "image field settings". i cant upload the single image.

nevets’s picture

What version of jQuery are you using on the site?

vignesh226’s picture

vignesh226’s picture

vignesh226’s picture

vignesh226’s picture

lule75’s picture

Any one still getting this error, As most people have suggested that it has something to do with jQuery Update module, Yes they are right.

I have been going through the same issue for over two days. I overcame it by downgrading my jquery to  version = "7.x-2.7"


Hope it saves some some one hours of research and trouble shooting

Liam Morland’s picture

I recently had an error like this. It was caused by Content Security Policy. The Ajax request was blocked by "default-src 'none'". To make it work, I had to add:

connect-src 'self'