I enabled all submodules and without changing anything in the provided entities I tried to save a new content to make a FB publication.

My rule is firing after a new content is saved, creating a Facebook Publication entity, copying the facebook_picture field (after setting the user to the node author and the link to the node:url).

I get this error message in the Drupal page after saving the node:

Facebook SDK threw an error: OAuthException: (#100) picture is not properly formatted

and no post is published on my Facebook page.


kopeboy’s picture

For clarification: the image field used in the node is the same existing (provided by the Feature) field "facebook_picture" of the Post FB publication type.

kopeboy’s picture

UPDATE: even if I don't include any image (deleting the rules action copying it AND uploading no image in the node) I get the same error!

kopeboy’s picture

The same happens if I try to publish a Link publication type.

Facebook SDK threw an error: OAuthException: (#100) link is not properly formatted

Even if I use a direct input URL in the Rule (like http://mysite.com) it will trow the same error..

kopeboy’s picture

I guess the problem is that Facebook Graph is expecting strings and we are providing objects?

My field_facebook_link is of type Link (Link module)
My field_facebook_picture is of type Image, with Widget image.

But I thought your module would handle this..