Using DrupalCI on

Last updated on
2 December 2021

For any project on, DrupalCI testing can be enabled from the Automated Testing link on the Project page. Please note: Only project maintainers have the ability to configure project testing.

At the top of the Automated Testing tab you will see the configuration for the existing PIFT/PIFR testing, but below that you will see the test matrix for the new DrupalCI tests:

For each supported testing environment you can enable:

  • Branch Daily testing - to run tests for the branch once daily.
  • Branch on commit - run branch tests on commit.
  • Issues & on commit - run tests on commit and for patches in the issues.

When issue testing is enabled you will see a test summary bubble appear below the PIFT/PIFR results:

You have two options from this test summary. Clicking on the summary itself will take you to a test summary page. Clicking the “Add test” button will allow you to queue a retest against the same environment, or additional tests against the other available testing environments.

The issue summary page provides a summary of information about the test including:

  • A summary of the most recent branch test, for comparison against the patch test.
  • A summary of the branch test that was current at the time the issue test was queued, for comparison against the patch test.

These branch results summaries should help contributors determine whether test failures were caused by the patch, or existed already in HEAD.

The test result page also includes a summary of results - highlighting only failed tests by default, but with the full test output viewable as needed.

The test summary page also provides a history of the tests that have been run (if re-tests or additional environment tests were queued.

Finally, a user can click the “View Results” link to be taken to the DrupalCI Jenkins Dispatcher, for more detailed test results.

There are two elements of the detailed results in Jenkins that will be useful to most contributors:

  1. The Test Result Page
  2. The Console Output

Clicking on the Test Result link will take you to the detailed test results. Please note: Test results are now grouped by Test Group -> Test Class -> Test Method -> Output/Result. Note that results are per-method, and the output layer should contain all of the assertions.

You can see what it looks like to drill down through the test groups below:

The console output provides a single-page summary of the test and its results. This console output is updated live as the test is running, and so can provide real-time feedback into the test.

Cancelling tests

A running test can also now be canceled by a project maintainer or the user who triggered the test. Simply click on the running test bubble and then select cancel test.

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