
I'm new to the Drupal way, I am looking to create more fields to the existing Contact form that comes built-in with Drupal 7. I am using the Bootstrap 3 theme.

Currently there are only the following fields:


I would like to add a couple fields to this, I've looked into Structure->ContactForm however this only allows me to change the recipients and contact formats etc.

How can I add new fields to this? Do I need to use another module do this (Webform)?


bjmagar1906’s picture

Did you try contact field module ? it lets adding additional fields to site wide contact form.

mr_white’s picture

Well I looked into it prior, however on the page the developer states:

"The development is going on for 7.x branch. Its advisable that you Do Not Use the development release in 7.x branch for now."

And te 7.x branch hasn't been updated in 2 yrs.