I have created a new content type (locations), and created 9 location nodes all around the world (US. Central America, Ukraine, Russia, Austrralia). I then created a view to display all the pinpoints on one world map. The nodes are displaying the pinpoints on the map with the exception of two locations (Russia & Australia). Those two location are are displaying a polygon overlay instead of the custom map marker. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

It happens on the individual node as well as on the View of the multiple pinpoint map


Jaypan’s picture


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Thank you.

pya26’s picture

This seems to have been an issue just on my local machine. When I changed the settings for the Leaflet map. I checked the "Override Defaults" checkbox within the "Vector Display Options" sections this seemed to change the map marker to a polygon instead of a pinpoint. When I tried to change it back the settings within the "Vector Display Options" sections looked to be updated, but behind the scenes they were not updated so every new node I created with the Location content type added the map marker as a polygon. I uninstalled all leaflet modules and reinstalled again and am not having the issue anymore.