With page caching - consider the scenario:
1) Someone accesses your page while your site is Offline and gets the maintenance mode message.
2) Your site then goes back Online
3) Because the maintenance mode message page is cached in the visitor's browser, even if your site is back Online and they "refresh the page" in their browser, they will still get the maintenance page notice.

So it seems that it would be preferable (best in terms of all user's experience) to avoid maintenance mode if possible. (Yes I know you can avoid the above by Clearing all caches in Drupal, but for automated processes that may not be possible).

So, when backing up a database, if the website is NOT off line, what are the concerns?
1) A node being edited or created.
2) A comment being submitted.

What else should be on this list.
For my circumstances, the two issues above are essentially non-issues, so why should I take my site offline to backup its database?


nevets’s picture

There are any number of tables that might be updating, which would make the backup out of date even before it is complete.

A bigger possible problem is some table have relationships, if the site is not in maintenance mode, you could end up with invalid data in the backup when some update (such as a node) is only partially complete.