Hello everybody.

I create websites just for fun, but I haven't any knowledge about css and php. I would like to try to create a Bootstrap theme and I've found on the internet Pingendo, that is a WYSIWYG Bootstrap editor.

Is it possible to create a Bootstrap theme combining the Bootstrap Theme and Pingendo or other Bootstrap editors?

Thank in advance,


nevets’s picture

From a quick read, Pingendo is for making quick mockups, adding the content you want for it.

Since Drupal is a Content Management System, and you add content through the Drupal interface, I don't see them playing well together.

milazzo87’s picture

Thanks. Is there any WYSIWYG editor can help me to customise a Bootstrap theme?

nevets’s picture

What do you mean by customize?

milazzo87’s picture

I mean: ones I have installed Bootstrap, I can edit a subtheme editing the style.css (tell me if it's not correct, I'm a newbie). Is there a way to do it with a wysiwyg editor?

nevets’s picture

Not that I am aware of. I use my browsers inspect feature to try how css and then add to a css file using ftp and a text editor.

gausarts’s picture

Perhaps you want:

And see if it works for Bootstrap.

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