Using drush updb causes memory leak when updating the following entries in the database:
I am using php 5.3.3 and Drupal 7.38

$ drush --verbose updb
Initialized Drupal 7.38 root directory at /var/www/html/otn [notice]
Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_R3V2iq --database=xxxxx --host=localhost --silent < /tmp/drush_6bfIdG
System 7078 Add binary to {date_formats}.format.
System 7079 Convert the 'filesize' column in {file_managed} to a bigint.
Aggregator 7004 Add index on timestamp.
Block 7009 Increase {block}.title length to 255 characters.
Content_access 7101 Convert content type settings to a new features-friendly storage format.
Ctools 7000 Enable the custom CSS cache handler.
Ctools 7001 Increase the length of the ctools_object_cache.obj column.
Dblog 7002 Add an index to the severity column in the watchdog database table.
Disqus 7002 Remove deprecated variable.
Entity 7003 Create cache tables for entities that support Entity cache module.
Extlink 7101 Delete "extlink_target_value" variable (now uses "extlink_target" directly).
Field 7003 Add the FieldInfo class to the class registry.
Field_collection 7004 Add index on {$field_collection_field}_revision_id column for all tables.
Field_collection 7005 Force the creation of the table cache_entity_field_collection_item. entity_update_7003 will attempt to install entitycache tables for existing modules, but it uses module_list() to get the list of available modules, which, when called from
a database update, may not return field_collection since drupal is bootstrapped at a lower level.
Field_collection 7006 Ensures revision_id indexes are present at field_config table.
Field_group 7005 Checks all existing groups and removes optional HTML classes while adding them as extra classes.
Field_group 7006 Save all optional HTML classes for fieldgroups located in features. If you need the optional classes, recreate feature after this update. If not, you can revert it.
Field_group 7007 Id attributes are now a setting. This update will insert the old id in the setting so old markup doesn't get broken. If you don't want an attribute, you can delete them on the fieldgroup settings.
File_entity 7101 Create the {image_dimensions} database table.
Googleanalytics 7204 Remove obsolete backup variables.
Googleanalytics 7205 Update list of default file extensions.
I18n_string 7002 Create new index in {locales_source}, performance improvement in sites with i18n.
Image 7005 Add a column to the 'image_style' table to store administrative labels.
Ldap_authorization 7204 make all schema field names lowercase in ldap server to deal with cronic case sensitivity issues
Ldap_servers 7204 Add picture_attr field in schema
Ldap_servers 7205 fix any double serialized ldap server basedns
Ldap_servers 7206 Add LDAP Referrals fields in schema
Ldap_user 7205 make sure all user entity field instances are created
Menu_block 7203 Trigger a menu rebuild.
Metatag 7036 Update variables to indicate which entities should be supported.
Metatag 7037 Clear the menu cache so the renamed Settings page will be picked up.
Metatag 7038 Manually enable all content types, vocabularies and the user entity to help resolve issues from 1.5's architecture change.
Metatags_quick 7005 Ensure the field language of path based fields is set to LANGUAGE_NONE.
Metatags_quick 7006 Ensure all existing metatags_quick fields have the default display formatter if set.
Metatag_opengraph 7101 Leave a warning about the two og:type value changes.
Metatag_opengraph 7102 The Open Graph Products meta tags are now in a new submodule.
Nice_menus 6002 Implements hook_update_N(). Update the menu selection variables to match the new format that allows selection of the exact menu item to start the display from.
Node 7014 Add an index on {node}.language.
Node 7015 Enable node types that may have been erroneously disabled in Drupal 7.36.
Panels 7302 Adding universally unique identifiers to panels.
Panels 7303 Add a custom cache table for Panels.
Print 7103 Increase size of the path field in the print_page_counter table
Recaptcha 7200 Update variables from 7.x-1.x.
Recaptcha 7201 Default empty tabindex to 0.
Rules 7214 Switch out the rules_event_whitelist variable for a cache equivalent.
Scheduler 7100 Update roles with new 'View Scheduled Content' permission.
Scheduler 7101 Delete obsolete Scheduler rows for nodes already unpublished.
Select_or_other 7201 Increase the module weight. @see select_or_other_install()
Taxonomy 7011 Drop unpublished nodes from the index.
Transliteration 7300 Remove unnecessary Drupal 6 variables.
Views_rss_core 7201 Rename all old "enclosure_file" and "enclosure_image" field formatters for any field in any view to new "enclosure".
Webform 7428 Add a "confidential" option to webforms.
Webform 7429 Add a column to the submission table to store the page on which to resume a draft. Sites with many, many submissions may wish to execute this update with 'drush updatedb'.
Do you wish to run all pending updates? (y/n): y
/usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --root=/var/www/html/otn --uri=http://default updatedb-batch-process 1059 1059 -u 0 2>&1
Initialized Drupal 7.38 root directory at /var/www/html/otn [notice]
Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_hdDKxa --database=xxxxx --host=localhost --silent < /tmp/drush_fNzzvJ
Executing ldap_servers_update_7204 [notice]
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16106127360 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in /var/www/html/otn/sites/all/modules/ldap/ldap_servers/ldap_servers.install on line 290

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16106127360 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in /var/www/html/otn/sites/all/modules/ldap/ldap_servers/ldap_servers.install on line 290
The command could not be executed successfully (returned: Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_hdDKxa --database=xxxx --host=localhost --silent < /tmp/drush_fNzzvJ [error]
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16106127360 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in /var/www/html/otn/sites/all/modules/ldap/ldap_servers/ldap_servers.install on line 290

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16106127360 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 523800 bytes) in /var/www/html/otn/sites/all/modules/ldap/ldap_servers/ldap_servers.install on line 290
, code: 0)
/usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /root/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' [notice]
--backend=2 --verbose --root=/var/www/html/otn --uri=http://default cache-clear all 2>&1
Initialized Drupal 7.38 root directory at /var/www/html/otn [notice]
Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [notice]
Executing: mysql --defaults-extra-file=/tmp/drush_Q1pYg4 --database=xxxx --host=localhost --silent < /tmp/drush_qjBFhw
WD actions: 8 orphaned actions (comment_publish_action, comment_save_action, comment_unpublish_action, views_bulk_operations_archive_action, views_bulk_operations_argument_selector_action, views_bulk_operations_delete_item, [info]
views_bulk_operations_delete_revision, views_bulk_operations_modify_action) exist in the actions table. Remove orphaned actions
'all' cache was cleared. [success]
Command dispatch complete [notice]
Finished performing updates. [ok]
Command dispatch complete [notice]


dtolj’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
grahl’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (outdated)

ldap_servers_update_7204() only contains a field being added to a table. It's highly unlikely that this is the reason for the error and a related issue could be the cause, especially since the log indicates a lot of other modules were updated at the same time. Closing this issue.