I have very specific requirement. I want to show images in slideshow. I have created content type "User Slideshow Snaps" and two fields

  • Slideshow Snaps
  • Node Id

I want to show slideshow of images in field Slideshow Snaps which belongs to Node Id passed in URL.

I have used Modules Views Slideshow & Views Slideshow: Cycle for this.

View contain only one field as follows:-
Content: Slideshow Snaps.

The slideshow is working perfectly.

Now I want to link Content: Slideshow Snaps to external page which will pass FID of current image in slideshow like this:-


But I am facing problem in passing fid of clicked image in slideshow. This configuration is always passing FID of first image in slideshow even if user clicked on 8th image in slideshow.

Thanks in advance for your help.