Everytime provision-verify runs the ownership for local.settings.php is "aegir:aegir".

On my Ubuntu system I need "aegir:www-data".

I have to do the following every time provision-verify: "chown aegir:www-data local.settings.php"

If there is a work around like adding www-data to the aegir group (although that would not be very secure), please let me know.


omega8cc’s picture

We could add the code used in BOA to create and control ownership and permissions on local.settings.php, perhaps.

create: https://github.com/omega8cc/provision/blob/2.4.x-dev/Provision/Config/Dr...
control: https://github.com/omega8cc/provision/blob/2.4.x-dev/Provision/Config/Dr...

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

that looks promising

ergonlogic’s picture

chown'ing to aegir:www-data and chmod'ing to 640 (not 440) makes sense to me.

I'm not sure that creating an empty local.settings.php by default helps much. I suppose it makes it a little more discoverable as an override mechanism. If we want to go that route, then I suggest a bit more documentation in the default explaining the behaviour that can be expected.