
Apologies if I have not set up this issue correctly. I could really use some help, new Drupal initiate here and feeling rather daft about now...

A couple of friends of mine were kind enough to build me a website as part of their final project for a web design course.

They only recently completed the site and handed it over to me. I noticed that for a small site it was using up quite a lot of space and I had a message in Softaculous telling me to update to 7.38 (from 7.37). When I went to update I found I had 3 installations of Drupal on the server (that all needed updating). I figured this was a bit of a waste of space so I decided to work out which installation was active and remove the old ones (you can probably already work out where this story is going!).

I backed up the site with the Backup & Migrate module (entire site including databases). I located the oldest installation and removed it (completely) with Softaculous. At this stage. Everything was still working fine.

In a moment of infinite stupidity I went on to remove the next oldest installation in the same way. But I didn't notice that the directory for this installation was the same as the newest installation i.e. public_html for both (the previous install that removed without issue was in public_html/drupal). At this stage I also understood very little about databases and how CMS works (I still don't know much, but for my sins, I have found out a few things the hard way!).

Ironically, I think there was only one installation actually present in the first place, just that when they had been removed it was done through the file manager and not Softaculous. Either way though, I unintentionally removed everything including the database for the active site (yes, I feel pretty dumb).

Now I need help trying to recover from the back up, but without being able to access the Backup & Migrate module or indeed the site at all. I searched the forums for some methods that might work to manually restore from the .tar.gz backup file, but nothing I have found has worked yet or has been well over my head (command line and SSH stuff - another way? Idiot guides?).

Softaculous did email me the database usernames and passwords etc. although I am not 100% certain which of the two installs in public_html was actually from the live site (is this information extractable from the .sql back up?). I also can't install 7.37 via Softaculous any more.

I'm unsure where to go next, there don't seem to be any 'idiot' guides for this online.

If anyone can help we would be very grateful.



cilefen’s picture

Project: Drupal core » Backup and Migrate
Version: 7.37 » 8.x-3.x-dev
Component: migration system » Code
Priority: Critical » Normal
Issue tags: -backup, -Backup and Restore

I am moving this to the Backup and Migrate module queue because this is not part of Drupal core. Probably the best way to get some support real-time is in IRC https://www.drupal.org/irc in the #drupal and #drupal-support channels.

cilefen’s picture

Version: 8.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-3.1
Component: Code » Documentation
sipdragon’s picture


I managed to install Drupal 7.37 and I think I set up the same database name, user and password as used previously. I installed the Back up & Migrate module and tried to restore from the .tar, but it said it should be renamed to .tar_.gz (I tried that but it just white screened).

I checked the error log and it indicated an error at line 211 in the file sources.archivesources.inc. I couldn't upload a .inc so I pasted the information below.


* @file
* A destination type for saving locally to the server.

* A destination type for saving locally to the server.
* @ingroup backup_migrate_destinations

class backup_migrate_files_destination_archivesource extends backup_migrate_destination_filesource {
var $supported_ops = array('source');

function type_name() {
return t("Site Archive Source");

* Declare the current files directory as a backup source..
function sources() {
$out = array();
$out['archive'] = backup_migrate_create_destination('archive', array('machine_name' => 'archive', 'location' => '.', 'name' => t('Entire Site (code, files & DB)'), 'show_in_list' => FALSE));
return $out;

* Return a list of backup filetypes.
function file_types() {
return array(
"sitearchive" => array(
"extension" => "sitearchive.tar",
"filemime" => "application/x-tar",
"backup" => TRUE,
"restore" => FALSE,

* Get the form for the settings for this destination.
function backup_settings_default() {
$out = parent::backup_settings_default();
$excludes = explode("\n", $out['exclude_filepaths']);
foreach ($excludes as $i => $exclude) {
$excludes[$i] = 'public://' . $exclude;
$excludes[] = 'private://backup_migrate';
$excludes[] = conf_path() . '/settings.php';
$excludes[] = file_directory_temp();

return array(
'exclude_filepaths' => implode("\n", $excludes),

* Backup from this source.
function _backup_to_file_php($file, $settings) {
if ($this->check_libs()) {
$base_dir = $this->get_realpath();

$excluded_paths = empty($settings->filters['exclude_filepaths']) ? '' : $settings->filters['exclude_filepaths'];
$exclude = $this->get_excluded_paths($settings);
$files = $this->get_files_to_backup($this->get_realpath(), $settings, $exclude);
if ($files) {
$manifest = $this->generate_manifest();
$db = $this->get_db();

$gz = new Archive_Tar($file->filepath(), false);

$gz->addModify(array($manifest), $file->name .'/', dirname($manifest));
$gz->addModify($files, $file->name .'/docroot', $base_dir);
$gz->addModify($db, $file->name . '/', dirname($db));


return $file;
backup_migrate_backup_fail('No files available.', array(), $settings);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;

* Backup from this source.
function _backup_to_file_cli($file, $settings) {
if (!empty($settings->filters['use_cli']) && function_exists('backup_migrate_exec') && function_exists('escapeshellarg')) {
$excluded_paths = empty($settings->filters['exclude_filepaths']) ? '' : $settings->filters['exclude_filepaths'];
foreach ($this->get_excluded_paths($excluded_paths) as $path) {
$exclude[] = '--exclude=' . escapeshellarg($path);
$exclude = implode(' ', $exclude);

// Create a symlink in a temp directory so we can rename the file in the archive.
$temp = backup_migrate_temp_directory();

$manifest = $this->generate_manifest();
$db = $this->get_db();
rename($db, $temp . '/database.sql');
rename($manifest, $temp . '/MANIFEST.ini');

$link = $temp . '/docroot';
$input = realpath($this->get_location());
backup_migrate_exec("ln -s %input %link; tar --dereference -C %temp -rf %output $exclude .", array('%output' => $file->filepath(), '%input' => $input, '%temp' => $temp, '%link' => $link));

return $file;
return FALSE;

* Generate a manifest file.
function generate_manifest() {
$info = array(
'Global' => array(
'datestamp' => time(),
'formatversion' => '2011-07-02',
'generator' => 'Backup and Migrate (http://drupal.org/project/backup_migrate)',
'generatorversion' => BACKUP_MIGRATE_VERSION,
'Site 0' => array(
'version' => VERSION,
'name' => variable_get('site_name', ''),
'docroot' => 'docroot',
'sitedir' => 'docroot/' . conf_path(),
'database-file-default' => 'database.sql',
'database-file-driver' => 'mysql',
if ($private = variable_get('file_private_path', FALSE)) {
$info['Site 0']['files-private'] = 'docroot/' . $private;
$info['Site 0']['files-public'] = 'docroot/' . variable_get('file_public_path', FALSE);
$ini = $this->_array_to_ini($info);

$tmpdir = backup_migrate_temp_directory();
$filepath = $tmpdir . '/MANIFEST.ini';
file_put_contents($filepath, $ini);
return $filepath;

* Get a database dump to add to the archive.
function get_db() {
backup_migrate_include('destinations', 'files', 'filters', 'profiles');

$file = new backup_file();
// Clone the default settings so we can make changes without them leaking out of this function.
$settings = clone _backup_migrate_profile_saved_default_profile();
$settings->source_id = 'db';
$settings->filters['compression'] = 'none';

// Execute the backup on the db with the default settings.
$file = backup_migrate_filters_backup($file, $settings);

// Generate a tmp file with the correct final title (because ArchiveTar doesn't seem to allow renaming).
$tmpdir = backup_migrate_temp_directory();
$filepath = $tmpdir . '/database.sql';
rename($file->filepath(), $filepath);

return $filepath;

* Restore to this source.
function _restore_from_file_php($file, &$settings) {
$success = false;
if ($this->check_libs()) {
$from = $file->pop_type();
$temp = backup_migrate_temp_directory();

$tar = new Archive_Tar($from->filepath());
$tar->extractModify($temp, $file->name);

// Parse the manifest
$manifest = $this->read_manifest($temp);

// Currently only the first site in the archive is supported.
$site = $manifest['Site 0'];

$docroot = $temp . '/' . $site['docroot'];
$sqlfile = $temp . '/' . $site['database-file-default'];
$filepath = NULL;
if (isset($site['files-private'])) {
$filepath = $temp . '/' . $site['files-private'];
else if (isset($site['files-public'])) {
$filepath = $temp . '/' . $site['files-public'];

// Move the files from the temp directory.
if ($filepath && file_exists($filepath)) {
_backup_migrate_move_files($filepath, file_directory_path());
else {
_backup_migrate_message('Files were not restored because the archive did not seem to contain a files directory or was in a format that Backup and Migrate couldn\'t read', array(), 'warning');

// Restore the sql db.
if ($sqlfile && file_exists($sqlfile)) {
$db_settings = clone($settings);
$db_settings->source_id = 'db';
$file = new backup_file(array('filepath' => $sqlfile));
$success = backup_migrate_filters_restore($file, $db_settings);
else {
_backup_migrate_message('The database was not restored because the archive did not seem to contain a database backup or was in a format that Backup and Migrate couldn\'t read', array(), 'warning');

if ($docroot) {
_backup_migrate_message('Backup and Migrate cannot restore the php code of the site for security reasons. You will have to copy the code to the server by hand if you wish to restore the full site.', array(), 'warning');

return $success && $file;
return FALSE;

* Restore to this source.
function _restore_from_file_cli($file, &$settings) {
// @TODO: implement the cli version of the restore.
return FALSE;

* Generate a manifest file.
function read_manifest($directory) {
// Assume some defaults if values ore the manifest is missing.
$defaults = array(
'docroot' => 'docroot',
'database-file-default' => 'database.sql',
'database-file-driver' => 'mysql',

$out = $this->_ini_to_array($directory . '/MANIFEST.ini');

// Set the defaults.
$out['Site 0'] = isset($out['Site 0']) ? $out['Site 0'] : array();
$out['Site 0'] += $defaults;

return $out;

* Convert an associated array to an ini format string. Only allows 2 levels of depth to allow parse_ini_file to parse.
function _array_to_ini($sections) {
$content = "";
foreach ($sections as $section => $data) {
$content .= '['. $section .']' . "\n";
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$content .= $key . " = \"". $val ."\"\n";
$content .= "\n";
return $content;

* Convert an associated array to an ini format string. Only allows 2 levels of depth to allow parse_ini_file to parse.
function _ini_to_array($path) {
return parse_ini_file($path, TRUE);

cilefen’s picture

Just a tip: it is not necessary to put large blocks of source code in comments. The maintainers have access to the code so the line number and error messages usually are fine. Sometimes a small code sample helps if it is illustrative. So in this case, what was the error message thrown on line 211?

sipdragon’s picture

Thanks Cilefen,

Unfortunately, I can't tell you. The error log didn't give me any more information than there was an error at line 211 in the sources.archivesources.inc file. What I posted was the entire sources.archivesources.inc code (I didn't have a program that could actually count the lines, it displayed differently in notepad (there were only 4 very long lines!)).

I got lucky and my hosting provider was able to roll back the server so I am back up and running now. I guess we can close this issue now, although I am none the wiser as to what the problem was with restoring from the back up, at least I will be a lot more careful in the future!

cilefen’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (cannot reproduce)

If you are relying on this module then, as you suggested, you should get comfortable working with it. Try setting up a local test environment https://www.drupal.org/setting-up-development-environment

https://www.acquia.com/products-services/dev-desktop is an easy way to do that.