I am using Views (with Fields) in D7-38, Windows environment

The website is multilanguage (i18n). I have a couple of doubts

Views module. Is there any way to use the labels already in the Content Type (with translations for every language) in Fields configuration? I only see the option to input an string, with no translation

Views. I want to group fields in the same line. This seems to be the inline option according to the Views -> Formats -> Show-> Settings, but I only get the label to be inline'd with the field

On the other hand the rewrite results option does the job but I loose the labels (or at least some of them) and I have to write html within drupal, which is something I would like to avoid. I see spans instead of divs, for fields of type "file" the label is displayed with no tags,... so I feel quite doubtful after all, given the complexity of the Views module

Is there any other way to easily group fields in lines?
