Is there a support forum for Drupal for newbies like myself?

I find that most of the replies I get on this forum and others assume that I know a lot about Git, Drupal, phpMyAdmin, and MySQL. I'm a pretty intelligent guy who has been in IT for many years and who holds a degree in Computer Science, but this is my first time with building a web site. The learning curve for Drupal is daunting! I'm looking for a forum where replies are cogent and do not assume a lot of prior knowledge.



VM’s picture is for all users. However these forums are drupal specific. git, phpmyadmin and MySQL aren't directly support here. We offer as much aid as we can but we aren't likely to spent 2 hours on one post when we can aid 20 other users in that time. Which is to say that we'll give you starting point from which you can dive deeper with your own research or follow up questions if necessary.

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