Hi there ...
a question for pros maybe :)
I would like to have a block, that shows Content of Node Beta depending on a Taxonomy Term in the URL of Nodetype Alpha (configured by pathauto)

1) Contextual Filter of the Block-View:
Is it possible to create a block(view) which is shown in various nodes depending on a taxonomy term in the URL?

The URL is created by pathauto e.g: /myterm/nodetitle for nodetype Alpha
Nodetype Alpha has a taxonomyfield called "myterm"

Now i created a block-view with a contextfilter on nodetype Alpha,
which provide a raw value from URL
and validates for myterm
(termname is sonverted to term id, dashesin URL are transformed to spaces in term name)

2) Content of the Block-View:
Whatever i want, e.g. get titel from all nodetypes Beta

Best Regards