We are migrating a site from CommonSpot to Drupal 7. The old site is hosting on a commonspot cloud hosting service and from what I can see... We don't have access to our database. We can use XML to pull info from tables, but without knowing the database structure, it will be very difficult knowing what to export.

I have put in tickets to CS to supply me with a backup file of our database but they are VERY uncooperative. I even try looking at the core files for the CMS to see how it writes to the database but they hosting company has hidden the files.

Now I think this doesn't not seem right, as clients we should have rights to copies of our database if not for auditing purposes. Ugg!

Has anyone migrated a CS CMS to Drupal 7 and if you can steer me in the right direction on how to export the database, that would be great! But really any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

I have looked at the document https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/dlitmgr/How+to+migrate+a+commonsp...
but this seems to be out dated... I think commonspot has changed their structure to prevent the finding of the export file.

Thanks again!


jumpthattb’s picture

No one has migrated from CommonSpot to Drupal. I have good news, the hosting company gave us access to the mysql dump file.

I'll let everyone know how it goes since it seems that there is zero documentation on this. :)