I'm trying to use boost togeter with the commerce module. Boost generate the pages in cache but does not load them. Are there any things kow to get it to work?


Anonymous’s picture

Hi, boost only works for anonymous users and over http. Your description suggest that the rewrite rules are not working, so

  1. check their location in the .htaccess file
  2. use firebug/ chrome developer etc... to look at cookies, if there is one set even when surfing anonymously called DRUPAL_UID or any form of drupal session then boost will not work.

What historically has happened with module developers is that the drupal guidelines are really specific about using their own cookies to store data, but some module (and I'm not saying this is the case with the one you have) set the drupal session to -1 instead of clearing it, or use it to store data for anon users even when logged out.

Obviously you know if you are using https or not. You could comment out the rewrite rule for https but then you should be very specific in adding URI's to the rewrite rule which denies access to admin functions, and obviously "boost" cannot take responsibility if the shopping cart of one user is presented to another from the cache (or the customer query form etc...), as we can't cover all the URL's of the hundreds of modules.