Hi folks,

I cant seem to manage to access images in the files/ subfolder on my remote server and from my browser.

Is there a problem with the server configuration? Shouldn't I be able to view the images in a straight forward way?
I am getting a "500 Internal Server Error" at the moment which does not look very nice..

Please let me have your suggestions, I am also trying to setup Imagecache module and this is an important thing for it to work I gather..

Thanks in advance for any


nwlinux’s picture

What does your web page address look like compared to your directory of images? I drag and drop my images to my image directory and avoid using the modules. In my opinion, they tend to over-complicate.


brollo’s picture

This is the type of URL : http://www.site.org/drupal/files/0002.jpg

The drupal install is in a subfolder of the main public folder (which is something like var/www/html/ )

Inside this folder I have a folder "drupal" where the distro is installed.

I think Imagecache is a good module but it definately over complicates things..
I am going nuts at the moment, spent a day trying to make it work. Is working on local but not remotely and I already had some nice setup on my site, I dont want to end up having to reinstall all , it would be such a waste of time!!!

Please help

nwlinux’s picture

Covering the bases: Look at your DocumentRoot in the httpd.conf file and make sure that your root is correct. That was a killer for me at one point in time.

Here is that tag for my images: "img src="/sites/default/files/images/yoda.jpg"
Here is my full directory for images: "/var/www/mysites/sites/default/files/images/yoda.jpg
Here is my DocumentRoot in the httpd.conf file: /var/www/mysites

This drupal post may or may not apply to you - http://drupal.org/node/249533

Otherwise, I do not have the ability to assist on technical knowledge with the modules.


brollo’s picture

HI, I am working directly on my remote server and imagecache is functioning ok in local.

I dont have access to change the server settings.

What should I do?

farez’s picture

Hi, I seem to be having the same problem. Checked DocumentRoot and it looks fine.

brollo, have you solved it yet?


farez’s picture

Solved it. In my case, there was an error in the .htaccess file in the /sites/default/files folder - the "Options" directive is not allowed in .htaccess in my Apache configuration so commenting out the two "Options" lines solved the problem.
