
How can I display many small pictures and when I click on one of them, it is displayed in large size like this

Thank you!


nevets’s picture

Maybe Imagezoomer, it looks like featuredzoomer does what you want, not sure if the module supports it.

Joekz’s picture

I'm not talking about the zoom effect, I mean the images on the left in small size and when you click on the pictures it takes the place of and display on the right

VM’s picture

if you want to avoid the zoomfeature, you can use views_slideshow as well as other gallery type modules on a per node basis.


the above will aid as well as many other tutorials where it concerns views_slideshow

Joekz’s picture

Thank you, but how can i have many pictures for each product for example and then apply this method

VM’s picture

you can either set your file field to mutivalue or use multiple fields to hold images within a single node. Again, I suggest reading through the already provided documentation and perform a search on google to expand your understanding.

Joekz’s picture

Do you have some ideas how can i upload multiple images?

VM’s picture

you can either set your file field to mutivalue or use multiple fields to hold images within a single node.

The above quoted from: https://www.drupal.org/node/2499511#comment-9991795

bjmagar1906’s picture

Hey Joekz,

Please look into juicebox . It lets you create similar gallery you posted in the link. But needs some CSS tweaking.