Brand new install of Drupal 8 (drupal-8.0.0-beta11)
Brand new install of Ubuntu 15.04 - 64bit
Mysql - 5.6.24

Install; view site; log in as admin - now looking at /var/www/index.php

drupal installed to localhost/drupal
guess its either apache2.conf , or, .htaccess

any help please?


oldfart101’s picture

edited /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

so, no longer using .htaccess

front page works, but logging in as admin results in:-
URL = http://localhost/drupal/node?destination=/drupal/node
the requested URL /drupal/node was not found ..

which is not surprising, since there is no sub-directory of that name.

oldfart101’s picture

apache2 first install on Ubuntu does not have mod-rewrite included
once that is installed- all works