When you assign a URL in Administration > Configuration > System > Site Information > Front Page > Default front page ... it says "Leave blank to display the default content feed."

Usually I do this to make the Front Page a static page, and then use the default "Front page" View to make virtually the same content appear at a different path (e.g. example.com/blog).

This works fine but I have always wondered how the "default content feed" might still be used, not to mention why the Views module seems necessary to effectively move it elsewhere. My question: is there a canonical way to make that same "default content feed" — the exact default Front Page — appear at a different URL?


WorldFallz’s picture

My question: is there a canonical way to make that same "default content feed" — the exact default Front Page — appear at a different URL?

Not without custom code (hook_menu_alter) that I know of. It's hard coded as a very basic default-- views is the way to do listings (it has been added to core as of d8).

rphair’s picture

Really happy to confirm this can now be trivially fixed in D8 Views UI (Administration > Structure > Views > Frontpage > Edit Page view > click /node & change to whatever you want, e.g., /blog).

Still curious why trying to change the default Frontpage RSS feed /rss.xml - by clicking on the default URL in the same way - just does a little bit of Ajax & then fails (as of core 8.0.0), but that's probably a separate issue.

yelvington’s picture