
Is there possible to add Flippy field to the view?

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First of all I'm very new to Drupal so if this question doesn't make any sense to you guy I'm sorry in advance

I create a Views of article which when click needed to be a pop up (Using Magnific Popup) which I follow this instruction here


The instruction force me to add field to the View and use "Global: Custom text" to apply some class to the field to make the magnific pop up to work

Example of code in Custom text

<div id="nid-[nid]" class="inline-popup mfp-hide">
  <div class="permalink">[title]</div>
 <font size="13">[body]</font>

The problem is, I can't add the floppy field to the View so I can't use REPLACEMENT PATTERNS in the "Global: Custom text"

My Goal is show a Next/Prev link in the Pop up of each article, but I can't find the way to do that

This is my test website,


Could you please help :(, Any other solution beside floppy will do as well,

Thank you