
I am trying to change a node title with drush vbo-execute, but the operation parameter doesn't work. The node is saved but the title not changed
Can you tell me what is wrong with this syntax ?

drush vbo-execute test_modif_article action::views_bulk_operations_modify_action input:type=nid argument:232 operation:title=mynewtitle

Division by zero views_bulk_operations.module:1017 [warning]
1 traitées sur [ok]
Performed "Modifier les valeurs de l'entité" on 1 item.

The problem is with the modify action parameters.
For example if I try to change the node owner with:
drush vbo-execute test_modif_article action::node_assign_owner_action input:type=nid argument:232 operation:owner_id=1
It works correctly.
