Using Feeds Profile2 7.x-1.2 and Feeds 7.x-2.0-alpha8

Importing a user with a Long text field on a profile. When Text processing on the feeds processor and on the field are both set to 'Plain text' it imports fine. When both are set to anything other than Plain text it throws an error 'Invalid data value given. Be sure it matches the required data type and format.'

This is only an issue for profile2 feeds. Importing nodes with long text fields set to Filtered HTML works fine.


mautumn’s picture

Using Feeds Profile2 7.x-1.2, Feeds 7.x-2.0-alpha8, and Entity API 7.x-1.6 - I'm experiencing a similar problem - I cannot import HTML content to a Profile2 Long Text field with Full HTML - however I can import to a non-Profile2 Long Text field. To get around the problem for the moment I am importing to a non-Profile2 Long text field and then using VBO to copy to the Profile2 field.

cwkosman’s picture

After troubleshooting Feeds Profile2 I have a few suggestions for you:

1. Out of the box Feeds Profile2 does not support import to fields of type long text. There is a patch for long text fields (among other types of fields) on this thread:

2. What file format are you using to import? My suggestion is XML because you can easily preserve HTML tags by using the

imclean’s picture

Most of the problems relating to importing fields of various types could be resolved by using the correct feeds callback to set the value. feeds_profile2 doesn't currently do this.

The latest patch in this issue uses the correct callback for each field, if present, and falls back to feeds setting the target value with processor->setTargetElement(): #2423193: Add generic support for complex fields such as AddressField, Taxonomy and link fields

cwkosman’s picture

The solution provided in the thread referenced by imclean is better than the one I cited in (#2) because it provides generic support.

imclean’s picture