I am using taxonomy term as Author name.

In D6, on page when the article have 2 or more authors, the names were displayed with comma and 'and'. For example:

1. Author1 and Author2
2. Author1, Author2, Author3 and Author4

After migrating to D7, I could not find similar option in D7.

How can I do this in D7?

Thanks in advance


Chasen’s picture

Hey chanakya,

Can you confirm which module was providing that functionality? Was it in the taxonomy module itself or was it an additional module. I can't recall if taxonomy was in core or not for D6 but it is in D7. It is possible that when it was ported into core in D7 (if it wasn't in D6) then some bespoke features may not have made it in but that's unlikely, unless they weren't stable.

I've just done a quick test in D7 and using the standard content type display or Views I couldn't get it to specially delineate the final value with a "and" prefix rather than the comma.

I'm guessing you either need a custom module or custom code to do this for you - it may not specifically be a taxonomy module it may just be a style/formatting module which gives you the extra display option.

Here's a couple modules you may want to look at:


pushkarpathak’s picture

Thanks Chris!

I tried with these modules. But the result is not as expected.

A comma is added between two taxonomy terms but it should be 'and' for two terms.

In D6 I think this functionality was provided by the taxonomy module. I never installed extra module for this.

For adding Delimiter, we have many modules in D7, but I could not find a way to add a logic, which make is grammatically correct. For example:
1. Author1 and Author2
2. Author1, Author2, Author3 and Author4

Please give your suggestion


virendra007’s picture

I have resolved this issue using Text formatter module , Here are the steps
1. Download the module and install it.
2. Go to content type page and move in manage display settings
3. Choose a format type as LIST , and check the two checkbox
Have a look in screenshot using this : https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/s720x720/11754588_928...

virendra007’s picture

I have resolved this issue using Text formatter module , Here are the steps
1. Download the module and install it.
2. Go to content type page and move in manage display settings
3. Choose a format type as LIST , and check the two checkbox
Have a look in screenshot at here : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=928414603885990&set=p.9284146038...