Hi all,

I'm having issues with the php function "include_once" within the page content after I upgraded the Chaos module. I have some php scripts that I use and I include them using the "include_once" into the body of the edit menu, but since the update it's doing absolutely nothing, there are other instances where i'm getting "Cannot Redeclare" fatal errors on methods. How can I debug this issue? If I change the include_once to include the content displays normally but I have so many instances of this that it would take a while to update. Any ideas?

Drupal: 7.36
Php: 5.4.39
Ctools: 7.x-1.7
Views: 7.x-3.11


Stefan Lehmann’s picture

include_once should almost never be necessary, if you build a website utilizing the API / template system properly. I'd like to see a proper example of which code leads to this problem and the reason for the code inclusion.

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