DruTeX hasn't changed much since I became maintainer, it satisfies most of the needs of the website that I use it on, but what else can it do?

I'd like to get some feedback as to what users would like it to do. Reply to this issue with feature requests etc.


SamRose’s picture

This is not a feature request, but just a communication that I have been thinking about ways to incorporate both ttp://wiki.contextgarden.net and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilypond so have been looking at how you accomplished DruTeX as a basis for doing this.

Also , more on-topic, I'd like to know more about gnuplot rendering support. Are there any examples out there showing how people are using gnuplot with DruTeX?

Steven Jones’s picture

I think that DruTeX might end up being split into a backend service that actually does the rendering, and then a series of frontends, some of which could be input formats. Then it would be easy to support other external programs, like lilypond, or gnuplot in the backend service.

Also the backend could run on a separate server to keep web nodes light, or so that cheap web hosts without latex support installed could call external sites that provide the rendering service.

If you use DruTeX, please subscribe to this issue, and when I start making changes they'll be for the better!

SamRose’s picture

would you make it optional so that if we do have the ability to support LaTeX, lilypond, and gnuplot, etc on our machines , that we could just go ahead and use the native code

stokito’s picture

Please merge or make this module compatibly with project jsMath ( http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/welcome.html).
There are: fonts, images, formats.

Robert S’s picture

For my purposes, I want drutex to emulate normal LaTeX as well as possible.

One sigh at the beginning: it probably is not possible completely, as to properly implement TeX, you need to
"count braces {}" and this is not possible using regular expressions only. On the plus side, the regular expressions
are very easy to tinker with, one just must accept that you can't write things like
{some \bf bold {and \it italicized} text}.

On more practical side, I ended up adding some features to drutex (to make it more close to latex).
(If there is interest, I can post the files somewhere, so that some of the changes can get official.)

* support for \begin{theorem} ... \end{theorem}

* understands ~ as non-breakable space -- this is sneaky though, because you run in troubles when you also
write some URLs that contain ~ ...

* support for commands with one optional argument. So that one can write \href[Title]{example.com}.
(Yes, I know that I can use html directly ... but I like consistent TeX-like interface and also there are other
ways to use it.)

Well, then there are some "custom macros" (specific to my site). Is one supposed to write these things directly into
drutex_latex.inc (as I did), or is there some way to keep the original files intact?

I don't know much about jsMath, but it'd be nice, if the page that drutex produces would be "scalable" in terms of font sizes
(or is there some way to tell firefox to increase not only all fonts, but also all pictures?).
However, if the impossibility to do so is the price to pay for having the math typeset by the real tex, then I'm happy with it.

Last but not least - will drutex work under drupal 6?
(I'm currently taking courage to upgrade from 4.7 to 5.x, but it'd be nice to go the whole way to 6.x ... I rely on drutex
heavily, though.)

Anyway, thanks for all the good work.

lucacerone’s picture

Title: DruTeX next gen » Integration with a WYSIWYG environment
Version: master » 6.x-1.0-beta1
Component: Code » User interface
Assigned: Unassigned » lucacerone
Category: task » support
Priority: Normal » Critical

Hi everybody,
I just could manage to Install and configure Drupal on my website.
I'm struggling a little bit with trying to integrate Drupal in one of the WYSIWYG
editor for Drupal.
I'm using tinyMCE (but if you know an editor that works fine with Drupal I have no
problem to change).
I could manage to render equations once,
it means that using the editor I'm able, writing formula ,
to render and insert the formula the first time.
The issue is that after saving it if I want to edit the page,
in the page content I find that the and tag
"disappear" (there is no problem using $ or $$.. guess somehow the editor
delete what it seems a tag to him).
I also noticed that the first time it works only if the BBCode plugin is installed.
Any idea about what I should configure, in order to keep the "tags" to
insert formulas without having to rewrite them each time?
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Cheers, -Luca

ademskiadov’s picture

Title: Integration with a WYSIWYG environment » DruTeX next gen
Version: 6.x-1.0-beta1 » master
Component: User interface » Code
Assigned: lucacerone » Unassigned
Category: support » task
Priority: Critical » Normal

So, ahem, I think that was a request for WYSIWYG integration.

panktaweray’s picture

Version: master » 6.x-1.x-dev