First off, I'm not a SQL expert nor am I well versed in Drupal.

Right now I have a basic page built for our users.

	$query = "SELECT, f.field_user_ldap_givenname_value, l.field_user_ldap_sn_value, i.filename, d.field_user_ldap_department_value, p.field_user_ldap_position_value, u.mail
			FROM users AS u
			LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_givenname AS f ON u.uid=f.entity_id
			LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_sn AS l ON u.uid=l.entity_id
			LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_department AS d ON u.uid=d.entity_id
			LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_position AS p ON u.uid=p.entity_id
			LEFT OUTER JOIN file_managed AS i ON u.picture=i.fid
			LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_location AS b ON u.uid=b.entity_id
			WHERE b.field_user_ldap_location_value='Building Name'
			ORDER BY l.field_user_ldap_sn_value;";

$result = db_query($query);
foreach ($result as $post) {
<div class="row">
	<div class="span2 pic-teacher">
		<div class="borders">
			<img class="img-rounded shadow" src="/sites/default/files/public/pictures/<?php print $post->filename?>" align="right" onerror="this.src='/sites/all/modules/contrib/media/images/icons/default/image-x-generic.png';"></img>
	<div class="span5">
			<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_givenname_value; ?>
			<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_sn_value; ?>
		<h6><em>Department:&nbsp;<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_department_value; ?></em></h6>
		<h6><em>Position:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_position_value; ?></em></h6>
		<ul class="data-staff">
				<i class="icon-phone"></i>+1 234567
				<a href="#" onClick="'<?php echo recaptcha_mailhide_url ($mailhide_pubkey, $mailhide_privkey, $post->mail); ?>', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">
				<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
				<a href="#">
					<i class="icon-skype"></i>
			<li><a href="#">
					<i class="icon-linkedin"></i>
</div>					<hr></hr>             


Basically it's a nice list with photo on the left and user details on the right. Now when I get to 30, 40, 50+ people it becomes unbearable to scroll through the entire list. I would love to have a limited number of results with a pager and a search box.

I know that drupal has the pager functionality, but I can only seem to get that to work with individual nodes and db_select which I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do with my obnoxious query. I would love to use the builtin drupal database functionality so that I can do a pager more easily and stay away from standard SQL queries.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction?



Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Is there any particular reason why you don't use the Views module?

Creating a pageable list of users is done in minutes with that.

I like cookies!

Jaypan’s picture

You can do this:

$sql = 'FROM {some_table} WHERE some_other_column  = :some_value';
$vars = array(':some_value' => 'something');
$total = db_query('SELECT COUNT(some_column) ' . $sql, $vars)->fetchField();
$per_page = 20; // Items to show per page
$current_page = pager_default_initialize($total, $per_page);
$results = db_query_range('SELECT some_column ' . $sql, $current_page * $per_page, $per_page, $vars);
// do something with your results here

You can then output your pager after your content using either theme():

$pager = theme('pager');

Or as part of a render array

'pager = array
  '#theme' => 'pager',
RRLAG’s picture

The reason I didn't want to use views is that I guess I don't know how to tweak the visual aspect of it as much. Jaypan, your solution worked beautifully!

Here is what I ended up doing:

			$sql =		'FROM users AS u
						LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_givenname AS f ON u.uid=f.entity_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_sn AS l ON u.uid=l.entity_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_department AS d ON u.uid=d.entity_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_position AS p ON u.uid=p.entity_id
						LEFT OUTER JOIN file_managed AS i ON u.picture=i.fid
						LEFT OUTER JOIN field_data_field_user_ldap_location AS b ON u.uid=b.entity_id
							WHERE b.field_user_ldap_location_value= :building';

$vars = array(':building' => 'Building Name');
$total = db_query('SELECT COUNT(u.uid) ' . $sql, $vars)->fetchField();
$per_page = 10;
$current_page = pager_default_initialize($total, $per_page);
$results = db_query_range('SELECT, f.field_user_ldap_givenname_value, l.field_user_ldap_sn_value, i.filename, d.field_user_ldap_department_value, p.field_user_ldap_position_value, u.mail ' . $sql . ' ORDER BY l.field_user_ldap_sn_value', $current_page * $per_page, $per_page, $vars);
foreach ($results as $post) {
<div class="row">
	<div class="span2 pic-teacher">
		<div class="borders">
			<img class="img-rounded shadow" src="/sites/default/files/public/pictures/<?php print $post->filename?>" align="right" onerror="this.src='/sites/all/modules/contrib/media/images/icons/default/image-x-generic.png';"></img>
	<div class="span5">
		<h4><?php print $post->field_user_ldap_givenname_value; ?> <?php print $post->field_user_ldap_sn_value; ?>
<h6><em>Department:&nbsp;<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_department_value; ?></em></h6>
<h6><em>Position:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<?php print $post->field_user_ldap_position_value; ?></em></h6>
		<ul class="data-staff">
				<i class="icon-phone"></i>+13.225.324.22
				<a href="#" onClick="'<?php echo recaptcha_mailhide_url ($mailhide_pubkey, $mailhide_privkey, $post->mail); ?>', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;" title="Reveal this e-mail address">
					<i class="icon-envelope"></i>
				<a href="#">
					<i class="icon-skype"></i>
			<li><a href="#">
					<i class="icon-linkedin"></i>
</div>					<hr></hr>             

$pager = theme('pager');
print render($pager);

Thanks again!

Stefan Lehmann’s picture

Re: Views ... Yeah I get that and I have been guilty thinking about this the same way. Be assured it's definitely possible, not too hard and will safe you some headache in the long run. :-)

I like cookies!