Dang. I typed up a nice, long question and then hit "Preview", when it returned a "stopped because of suspicious content" instead of my preview. And because I couldn't give FireFox to give me the POST data that I could keep resending, I have to type it all over again. I hope I can think straight after thirty minutes of typing has to be redone. (On the other hand, if I have to retype it, maybe it will be more succinct.) Hmm, it seems the they don't want me putting real head and body tags into the e-mail. We'll just have to pretend.

So, I'm new to Drupal and can easily see how this stuff will make my life as w eebsite designer/programmer a bit more productive. As a proof of this, I am working on transforming a small, static site to Drupal so that the people I made the site for can make monthly, minor changes on their own instead of having my help. But I'm having a couple problems.

My main problem is the use of a JavaScript application to give a photo slideshow on one page. I've replicated most of the other content into a page node and created a menu for the site. But, as you can see, this thing has JavaScript in the head area and in the body tag. Here's the page that I'm trying to put into Drupal: http://whiterockcoffee.com/roasting.html

I was looking at the DrupalDocs.org site and found a number of useful things on starting my own module to recreate this slideshow. I'm thinking of creating a custom tag that I can parse and insert the right code, including the JavaScript, thanks to the filter_example.module. But as to how to get the JavaScript into the head area, I'm a bit confused.

In the Xtemplate I'm using for the site currently, I see the {head} and {onload_attributes} pieces. And on the API site I see a hook_onload but nothing analagous to a hook_head. Please, please just point me in the right direction, I'm just a little lost. And thanks in advance for your help.


Zach Harkey’s picture

I've tried for almost 30 minutes to post an example of how to do this into this godammed form and no matter what I do, it interprets it as "suspicious behaviour" and now I'm too tired to help any more. This form sucks :(

: z

dandaman’s picture

One thing I thought about doing was putting > ("& g t ;" without the spaces) instead of the greater than sign and < ("& l t ;" without the spaces) instead of the lesser than sign. At least that way the system doesn't suspect us for being rabble rousers or hackers. (Weird, I thought I tried it yesterday and it didn't work... maybe it just doesn't work in code tags.)

After the first time I got the message, I remembered to copy my text to the keyboard before submitting it so that I can just paste it back in if I have to and then just edit the suspicious-type parts.

Dan "da Man"

Dan "da Man" Ficker

BlakeLucchesi’s picture

I'm looking into adding the slideshow feature into my website as well. I would love to hear how you did it. Thanks.