I've been experimenting with the webform integration added by #1787068 and have been getting a lot of false positives when using antispam with Askimet.

When webform integration is turned on, I'm finding that a number of values are being identified as spam via the Askimet API. What I've got is a series of 10 forms that are mostly made up of radio buttons and checkboxes, but also include a couple of hidden text fields to store links to the submission in CiviCRM.

Here's a couple of examples of what I'm getting back from the Askimet API. In the first case, these values are unique for each form. In the second, they value stays the same for each form (about 10 total):

http://www.example.org/form/policy-program-dev Spam detected in webform value 'Policy and Program Development'

http://www.example.org/form/get-started Spam detected in webform value 'employer'

I inquired about this with Askimet support and was told that they couldn't help unless there was a way to report false positives or make a submit-ham API call, which I'm assuming does not exist in this implementation.

Any suggestions about where to start? For now, turning off webform integration is the only option, but this solution leaves all of the webforms on the site open to abuse.


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Issue summary: View changes