Content: i have a new custom module that i developed, it's about country/state select list with drop down on selecting country, so i have extended a filter handler from filter string handler and so i did my custmsation and it works fine for me but when sorting my view with fields, any fields my wort url is not right for me. look waht i get for a select list sort (&country=&state=&field_category_value=All&order=name&sort=asc). So in the normale case i should have this url (&country=All&stateAll=&field_category_value=All&order=name&sort=asc). What do you think i have missed in there? on other think my bug mssage error of course it's An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator. and no result displayed.


marwen.blel’s picture

ok it works now, i have changed default value of form_value method
'#default_value' => 'All'

Comme Confucius, penseur et philosophe chinois a dit :" Choisissez un travail que vous aimez et vous n'aurez pas à travailler un seul jour de votre vie"