Thank you for this module. I am the maintainer of the "prlp (Password Reset Landing Page)" module. It is a module that has complementary but related functionality. It makes users set a new password when they use the password reset link.

I would like to request that you add a link to that module under the "related projects" section of your project.

Thanks in advance.


AohRveTPV’s picture

How do you edit the related projects? I do not see a way to do it, and am wondering if they are automatically generated.

AohRveTPV’s picture

By the way, Password Policy 7.x-2.x reportedly does not work with PRLP:

I would like to find a solution to that issue that does not involve adding module-specific integration code. In my opinion, Password Policy 7.x-2.x and PRLP would ideally just work together without knowing about each other.

Jitesh Doshi’s picture

Hmm ... you're right ... I myself don't quite know how to add another project as "related project".

According to this page, the "Related Projects" block is automatically generated. But it doesn't say "how"!

(scratching head).

But until we figure that out, how adding it a "related" section in your project page itself (e.g. the force_password_change module page).

AohRveTPV’s picture

But until we figure that out, how adding it a "related" section in your project page itself (e.g. the force_password_change module page).

We have a "Recommended Modules" section, similar to the "Alternate Modules" section. PRLP could go there, but I am hesitant to add it since currently PRLP and Password Policy do not work together (#2362023: Support for Password Reset Landing Page (PRLP)).

Password Policy 7.x-1.x has an option to force the user to change their password after using a one-time login link. 7.x-2.x does not have this feature, so it would be nice if we could recommend PRLP to administrators who are updating from 7.x-1.x to 7.x-2.x but still need the feature.

AohRveTPV’s picture

Edit: After more thought, I think I would like to rename "Recommended Modules" to "Complementary Modules". Then PRLP could go there once it actually works with Password Policy.

AohRveTPV’s picture

Jitesh Doshi’s picture

Sounds good.