Using Commerce Kickstart 2

Having a situation where certain Products simply do not appear in the Search results. Is there a way to troubleshoot specifically -why- certain products (or other content) are not appearing in the search index?

I looked through the search_api_db_product_display table and sure enough, the missing node is -not- there.

So: Is there a log or table which displays each node and index term and/or -why- a particular node was included/excluded?

Just to be clear: If I enter the URL for the Product directly, it displays fine.

Perhaps related: There seems to be a known issue where adding new products does not automatically update the index. So I cleared the index and rebuilt several times and it makes no difference.


John_B’s picture

The index updates in batches when cron runs. There is a configuration option to set how many items are indexed on each cron run. If cron does no run, the index is not updated at all.

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