I assign taxonomy flags to my articles in my Drupal 7 website.
Whenever an article is displayed on my website, the visitor finds at the end of each article a list of all tags, which had been assigned to this article. This is of great help for the visitor to find more articles with the same tags.
Question: I'm looking for a way, that the English word "Tags:" at the beginning of the list
Tags: ...
is translated to the corresponding German term.
Most of the user interface gets translated to German language through the German language package, but not the word "Tags:".
Any recommendation?


VM’s picture

as you aren't writing a translation file for which you need support, please edit the opening post and move it to the 'post installation' forum. Thank you.

Nevermind. The translation forum seems to have become an 'anything goes' forum regarding translations

wusel’s picture

Whats your recommendation for the word "tag"?

You e.g. can look at http://dict.leo.org/


robertdbailey’s picture

Hi @AlfonsD, the word "Tags" that appears on those pages is a field label. Those may be translated using the i18n_field module, which is a submodule in the i18n suite. Once that module is enabled, you should be able to find the string "Tags" under the "Fields" textgroup in the Translate Interface (Configuration -> Regional and Language -> Translate Interface -> Translate). After adding translations for it, the "Tags" translation should be shown by Drupal on both the node page and the teaser. Hope that helps.

Rob Bailey