I suggest to upgrade the jsTree library from version 1.0-rc3 to 3.x

The latest jsTree 3.x include lots of bug fixes and improvements. Also more robust across browsers.

The current ERPAL 7.x-2.x-dev (2015-Mar-13) comes with jsTree version 1.0-rc3. That version is very old. Around 2010. To view the current version open the jquery.jstree.js file, search the first few lines. That file is located at /profiles/erpal/libraries/jstree/jquery.jstree.js

Any volunteer for a patch?

We are happy to contribute quality assurance, documentation, and agile project management services if needed

jsTree library version 3.x at https://github.com/vakata/jstree or http://www.jstree.com/docs/html/
jsTree 3.x requirements at https://github.com/vakata/jstree#include-all-neccessary-files
Latest jsTree demo at http://www.jstree.com/demo/

Other Drupal projects related to jsTree


Francewhoa’s picture

Hi all :) jsTree 3.x requires jQuery 1.9.1 or more recent. Here are two suggested solutions. What do you think?

  1. jquery_update 2.x module: IF jsTree version 1.0-rc3 was use for ERPAL because back then Drupal was not supporting jQuery 1.9.1 which is require for jsTree 3.x. Then how about updating ERPAL with the latest jquery_update 2.x module? Which supports jQuery 1.5.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 2.1.x. And implement jsTree 3.x.
  2. jquery_update 3.x module: IF jsTree version 1.0-rc3 was use for ERPAL because back then jQuery 1.9.1 was interfering with other items in ERPAL. Then how about updating ERPAL to the latest jquery_update 3.x module? Which now supports setting a jQuery version per theme or per path. For example you could set jQuery 1.9.1 to be activated only for the ERPAL three view paths such as /node/[NODE-ID]/tickets?qt-tickets_by_project_tabs=1
    And use any other versions of jQuery you want for other paths or themes. Thus implement jsTree 3.x without conflict with other ERPAL items.

Any other suggestions?