I am trying to install drupal 8 latest dev on local windows ( XAMPP, PHP 5.4.7). Installation failed after database configuration page with connection timeout / connection reset error.

I tried several time after removing database and settings.php still get the same error.

Thank you.


phpashish@gmail.com’s picture

Hi Akki,

I was able to install it on ubuntu,

I beleave it should work on XAMPP too, please make sure following before starting the installation:

- Database is created
- Password is not set to blank for database access
- In sites default there exists following files with write permission:
--- default.services.yml
--- default.settings.php
--- services.yml
--- settings.php


N1ghteyes’s picture

Do you have any specific error logs for this? I haven't tested on Windows, but with normal XAMPP config i would expect it to work without issue. Perhaps DB config problems?

pradeep22saini’s picture

I was also facing this problem on windows. It was due to mysql version was not supported for drupal 8 system requirements.

Resolved by installing the updated xampp.