
I search a lot on the internet for answer, but no way to find anything.

My principal website was on 7.31, but it's a real pain to upgrade this website. 7.32 = fail, 7.33 = fail, 7.34 = fail and 7.35 = other fail! So i'm still on 7.31 on this website.

I follow exactly the step on your page: https://www.drupal.org/node/1494290

Backup everything, delete all file on FTP except for/sites folder, upload all the new file except for /sites folder. Go to mydomaine.com/update.php, and when I arrive on Review updates page, it's said "No available releases found", and give me two link, one to the front page and the other to the administration page. These are the only 2 pages on my website working, every where else I try to go, I got a error ''500 internal server error''!

That piss me off for real, it's so complicated for nothing!

I'll stay on 7.31 for the rest of the life of my website or what?


John_B’s picture

Best not stay on 7.31 as 7.32 has a critical security update. See https://www.drupal.org/PSA-2014-003 for more information. Most sites which did not update to Drupal 7.32 promptly have been hacked.

By far the easiest way to update Drupal is with Drush. All hosts who support Drupal properly have drush installed on the server. It is likely you made some simple mistake when uploading your code. Because Drush automates that process, there is less risk of those mistakes, which always everyone makes sometime. If you prefer to get the manual (without drush) update method working, a look at the Apache error log will indicate where the problem lies.

I follow exactly the step on your page:

you probably mean

I follow exactly the step on our page:

- since Drupal is just made by a bunch of ordinary people from around the world like you and me, it is true there is no one finally responsible. People like you, me, and a few thousand others, who come and start using Drupal, we all do our best to keep it working, and (you will probably agree) we all know we still have a lot of problems to sort out.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

narendraR’s picture

Check if .htaccsss file is prest in drupal root installation or not.
Also check server logs.

Let's Drupal

slhemanthkumar’s picture

Please check do you have .htaccess file in your project root folder or not and also check the clean URLs setting. Sometimes clean URLs will be disabled, in that case, you have to access URLs with "?q="

JThompson92’s picture

back everything up before starting the updates on the core.

I had the same problem when I tried to update.

once backed up delete everything but the files,

download the new core update

put your site into maintenance mode so its unavailable to the viewers.

using ftp/ sftp delete everything except the site folder and any other folders that you have created.

extract the new core update that you have downloaded and transfer the files except the ones that you didnt delete from the sftp/ ftp area

once completed you can now take your website out of maintenance mode.

If you still have issues it might be the core files that have the errors