Hi all

I have a function EFQ showing a selection of events based on the current week, works ok. The problem is, Today/Sunday events never seem to show for any given week, can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Example: I have events for today, though the script defaults to 'no events for this week'.

function gigsthisweek_block_global($setrange, $setdate) {
  // Snippet for showing events for current week
  $dow = date('N');
  if ( $dow == 7 ) { // Sunday
    $offset = 'today';
  } else {
    $offset = 'sunday';
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'events')
      ->entityCondition('bundle', 'event')
      ->fieldCondition('field_event_date', 'value', date("Y-m-d"), '>') // end date after today
      ->fieldCondition('field_event_date', 'value', date("Y-m-d",strtotime($offset)), '<')
      ->fieldOrderBy('field_event_date', 'value', 'ASC')
      ->range(0, $setrange);  

I did try >= though not sure if this is allowed within a fieldcondition, nothing changed:

->fieldCondition('field_event_date', 'value', date("Y-m-d"), '>=') // end date after today 

Can anybody advise what I'm doing wrong or how I can fix this?

Thanks, Barry


computerbarry’s picture

->fieldCondition('field_event_date', 'value', date("Y-m-d"), '>') // end date after today
->fieldCondition('field_event_date', 'value', date("Y-m-d",strtotime($offset)), '<')

If I change < to > in the second condition, the events are listed from next week starting with Sunday, instead of Monday. We need to tweak something so we make up the lost/missing day.


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Can anybody help with this?

Cheers, Barry

The more you learn.... the more you learn there is more to learn.