Hi. I have problem with most of my registered users - bots :) I have discovered that I had tons of them. I would like to delete them. I first thought of database deletion but I guess it's not ideal cause I also want to delete all posts of those bots (and by simply deleting users in database I guess their post are still in database in different tables).

Is there any module that let me delete all bots accounts -> from drupal <-? Via "cancel the select user account" and with ' Delete the account and its content.' option checked (cause now doing it over and over seeing only 50 users at a time is a NIGHTMARE)?

And what techniques are you using to stop bots and spam on your sites? Thanks for any help.

EDIT: moved to post installation forum as suggested.


Jaypan’s picture


You can move the thread by editing the original post and choosing 'Post Installation' as the forum.

Thank you.

VM’s picture

dwillcox’s picture

Things that you really should do to reduce spam user registrations, in approximately increasing order of user impact:

  1. Notice that a large percent of the spam registrations come from a few areas like China, Ukraine and Russia. Block those IP ranges unless you really want users from those areas.
  2. Use one of the Captcha variants. I use reCaptcha on my site. It's relatively unobtrusive and will block most (not all) bot registrations.
  3. Turn on the option to require an email registration. Essentially the prospective user must respond to an email before the account is activated.
  4. Turn on the option to require administrator approval before the account is activated.

Some of these may be more than you want to put prospective users through, but they do keep the abuse down.

I had similar problems on my site and finally wrote Mother May I. It's pretty simple to administer and (so far) bots haven't figured out how to get past it. Take a look and see if it might work for you.

See also: https://groups.drupal.org/node/77093
