
In a drupal 7 I developed a subtheme of omega. If I inspect the html code home, I see the following line:

<div id = "zone-content-wrapper" class = "wrapper zone-zone-content-wrapper clearfix">.

I need to modify the classes applied to this div, depending on the language, to put a different backqground. It would be something like:

<? Php global $language; ?>

  <div id ="zone-content-wrapper" class ="zone-wrapper zone-content-wrapper clearfix zone - <? php print $ language-> language;?>">

What I can't find is the .tpl that generates the html. to add this code. Or maybe I have to do a preprocess, but then I do not see that I must change in the variable $content.

Thank You



John_B’s picture

You cannot (at least should not) do this in the node.tpl.php. This kind of change is either made in the theme's template.php or in a custom module. The basic concept of how to do it is set out here http://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/33962/body-class-drupal-7-chan...

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