DB Tuner module can convert all Drupal 6 tables to INNODB. I read that you should do this on the D6 before you upgrade to D7, it this true? I have noticed that D7 creates all the INNODB tables it needs to use on its own.


Jaypan’s picture

Upgrade instructions can be found in UPDATE.txt of the Drupal webroot.

John_B’s picture

If you wish to change to Mysql storage engine on some or all tables to INNODB (the default on a fresh install of D7), you can do so at any time. There is no reason to link that change to an upgrade. An upgraded site usually ends up with a mix of table types, as (for other reasons) may a high-performance site where a mysql specialist has made decisions about the best setup; having a mix of table types works fine.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

leisurman’s picture

The upgrade from D6 to D7 went smooth after a few tries. I do have a mix of sql tables but the site works well. The site has 6 thousand nodes, a large menu that goes 6 levels deep. All cck fields have been migrated and all modules are turned on. The only problem left is that I cant get the wysiwyg to work using TinyMCE or CKEditor. The old D6 site used the TinyMCE library

John_B’s picture

The ckeditor module is the easiest to set up.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

TrungPhung’s picture

i dont think so, it was not easy at all.
Why dont you show us how easy it is ?

John_B’s picture

I did not say it was easy - for some users it may not be. I do think https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor is the easiest of the available options. I cannot improve on the Quick Start Guide in terms support. Anyway if you are having problems, it is best to look at threads on the editor rather than mixing the discussion with this one on table types, and maybe post to one of those threads, or the module's issue queue, to make it easier for others to find in future.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

leisurman’s picture

I was having page errors after upgrading to D7 so I reverted back to D6 and installed the DB tuner module and converted all my sql tables to InnoDB then upgraded to D7 and it works now.